Oat milk, ginger and jaggery for these frosty wintery days

This is one I made up really. I was wanting a drink with a bit of healthy fat but I always need to balance that with something pungent in my case because of my fairly kapha dominant constitution. So I tried it with a bit of ginger and then some black pepper and have also been adding a little jaggery, I think because it’s winter and I feel like I need some extra calories.

Half a small cup/cup of oat milk
Large pinch of ginger (maybe less or none for other constitutions)
Half a teaspoon jaggery
A pinch of black pepper for an extra fiery kick

Combine the ingredients in a pan and try to mix the jaggery with a little energy to help it melt into the drink. In fact, you can push it against the bottom of the pan as you go to help things along. Once you start to see a bit of steam it should be pretty much ready so just pour it in a cup and enjoy.